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Teaching Ministries Resource Center

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"The Word of God is the Power of God to transform the human experience and orient our lives to Christ's character and purpose..." 


Through seasoned wisdom, spiritual passion and a pastor's heart Mike Atkins teaching has been touching and changing lives around the world for over 40 years.


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Your Spirit-led giving helps us to fulfill our calling in these significant days.

Audio Series by  PASTOR MIKE


Walking in the Spirit


"This series revealed to me things about the Flesh and Spirit I had never considered before..."


A unique and practical study in understanding the characteristics and evidences of a life lived in the Spirit. Learn to discern the difference between the Flesh and the Spirit and to recognize when the Flesh is beginning to take control.


4 Hours of Teaching

For access to this series of audios donate here


Unconquerable Faith

"The best teaching on Faith I've ever heard...transformational!"


An epic journey through the Hall of Fame of Faith. This is a verse by verse teaching through the 11th Chapter of Hebrews. This chapter contains some of the most significant information about the role of faith in our lives to be found anywhere in the Bible.

One of the most comprehensive teachings on this topic you will ever hear.


17 Hours of Teaching

For access to this series of audios donate here


Seated With Christ

"Unlocks Ephesians with deep insight and life-changing application..."


This thought provoking series through Ephesians unlocks one of the most prevalent hindrances to successful Christian living: A misunderstanding of our present position in Christ. Through steady systematic  presentation of truth Mike explains the critical process of establishing, walking out and successfully defending our God-given place and position in the spiritual realm.


11 Hours of Teaching

For access to this series of audios donate here


The Beauty of Humility

"I never understood the definition and importance of humility before hearing this teaching. So critical!"


Christian humility, in simplest terms, is manifested in our dependency upon Christ. In this profound and in-depth study in the book of Philippians Mike examines the books major themes and explores the many ways that the Holy Spirit employs to bring humility into the life of the believer. You will discover the incredible power of humility to unlock the treasures of God.


14 Hours of Teaching

For access to this series of audios donate here

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Mike Atkins Teaching Ministries, Intl.

307- 690 -1270

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