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Taught with a combination of personal anecdote, masterful illustration and revelatory insight, it is impossible to experience The Centrality of the Cross without being profoundly impacted by its implications. Whether skeptic or saint, this teaching on the Cross will challenge your perspectives, inspire your spirit and transform your understanding of this pivotal event, and those who reverence it, forever.


Man was created to be in the image of God. Since the fall, true man has ceased to exist Jesus laid down his deity to reveal to mankind what man was meant to be. In this series discover the implications this foundational theological principle has for every believer.


Is the Christian life defined as believers living their life for Christ or is is it possible that such a definition could lead an individual in to a lifetime of personal failure?

In this insightful 4 part teaching series Mike reveals the fallacy of man trying to live his life for Christ and reveals the true secret of Christian living allowing Christ to live HIS life through us.


If you were arrested for being a disciple of Jesus Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Beginning with this compelling question Pastor Mike reveals, through the scriptures, the four distinguishing marks of a true disciple of Christ. This challenging and enlightening study is of critical concern to the earnest child of God.
"By this shall all men know you are my disciples…"                    John 13:35

Inspirational Audios

Sound Access to the Supernatural

In a world fascinated with the supernatural how does one know what is of God, what is of the flesh, or what is of the enemy? It is time for sound biblical teaching on spiritual warfare, deliverance, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and healing, as well as discipleship, wisdom, revelations, anointing, worship and prayer. Join Mike as he teaches on a sound access to the supernatural.



The Words of My Mouth: 
The Meditations of My Heart

Do your words and your thoughts matter to God? Is your tongue a fountain of life or an unbridled fire? These are the questions that Pastor Mike deals with in this insightful 2 part series. Starting with Psalm 19 he works his way through the scriptures unfolding God's plan for our heart and tongue. The answers are life changing!



Jerusalem City of God

For hundreds of years this city has been fought over and claimed by many groups, and now the UN thinks it can decide to whom Jerusalem belongs. But what does God say about Jerusalem. Listen now and know. 



Healing the Wounded Spirit

Are our past pains so much a part of our lives that we have come to believe that this is just who we are?Jesus not only took stripes for our physical healing but also for our spiritual healing. Let Him heal your wounded spirit. 



Blessing or Curse: The Choice is Yours
A Teaching Series on Finding Freedom in Christ

A compelling study from the book of Deuteronomy of what God expects of His people. Pastor Mike clearly teaches the evidences of blessings and curses and the cause of each using the Word of God as the foundation. Beginning with references to Chapter 11 verse 28 and weaving through Chapters 27 to 30, you will hear many examples of blessings and curses in people's lives today. You will learn how to recognize and break curses in your own and your family's lives, and to appropriate the blessings God desires for all of His children. 



God's Word 

Come journey through God's Word with Pastor Mike. Learn the blessing of the Word, how to treasure the Word and how to receive the Word. We are not here by accident; there is a design and purpose for our life. Come meet the Word of God Meet Jesus. There is life, light and hope in Him. Become a part of God's Family. 




Have you lost your child likeness? Is your spirit old? Pastor Mike speaks of how Jesus loves the spirit of a child in "Like a Little Child", then how to restore innocence and rebuild trust. The heart of our Christian faith is child likeness. Learn to be childlike for Jesus, not childish.





Subscribe and Get  Everything!

For a yearly donation of $40 you receive access to Mike Atkins' complete library of audios and videos.   Imagine a topical resource center that will not only build your faith but help you minister to the needy with the love and grace of God.  


The subscription includes all the online audios and videos on this page plus hundreds more!


Subscribe here: 



Here are a few of the topics you will  have access to with your subscription:


The Gospel











Mike what about putting a Bible resource button and other related resources here like Bible Gateway, etc.?




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Mike Atkins Teaching Ministries, Intl.

307- 690 -1270

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